John Alexander Taylor
Power Line

Artist Statement
The images I choose for my body of work creates a visual journal of places I have been. I searched for images off of North Texas highways. Within all the searches, the common denominator is that the power lines were the starting element. The power lines guide me to wonderful power stations and industrial parts of the cities.
Through the images of power lines and unique industrial sites I collected, I chose to show the viewer my journey as they walk down the high-contrasted black and white mural down the long hall. The mural begins with a power station and ends with constructs that I created or found, while the common element throughout is the power line.
The images I selected were chosen because of their unique designs and the ability to change in a high contract black and white, which work well with the negative space of the wall and the positive nature of black vinyl.
I was initially drawn to vinyl because of its industrial and commercial feel. Through discovery, I began flattening 3-D objects through use of vinyl. However, I began placing the vinyl on acrylic and, with the help of lighting and sand blasting, re-establishing a look of a third dimension. By using the shadow the works started to have a since of depth and a feel of a third dimension, but at the same time remained very flat. I focused on this aspect because I enjoy that my art changes based on the different times of the day if the work is exposed to the sunlight or be controlled in a gallery setting.
The different sizes of my work are important as a test to myself. I feel very comfortable working in large spaces and making large works. I used the smaller framed pieces as exercises to test the shadows, and to learn how to use the elements of vinyl in different ways. I found the smaller scale to be difficult but at the same time very rewarding